A game about the organisational and social work environment

One of society’s biggest challenges is the significant increase in occupational and work-related diseases. Therefore, the Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) has developed guidelines to prevent and deal with unhealthy workloads and harsh workplace treatment.

Improve your work environment

We have developed a knowledge game that helps employers and employees to collaborate on the new work environment rules from Arbetsmiljöverket. Good Decision is an AFA insurance-approved educator, and our game format makes the guidelines a reality through involvement and engagement!

Benefits of using gamification:
  • Leads to concrete activities and actions
  • Visualise and address risks of occupational diseases
  • It makes it easy and fun to work according to the rules
  • Contributes to cooperation, dialogue and participation
  • Provides support for goals, follow-up and documentation

The concept complies with the Work Environment Authority’s AFS 2015:4 and aligns with the Systematic Work Environment Management, SAM.

The two principal organisational and social work environment regulations from The Swedish Work Environment Authority are:
  • How to prevent and handle the unhealthy workload
  • How to avoid and deal with offensive treatment

The regulations include rules on systematic work environment management, workload, working hours and harsh treatment.

Do you need help to prevent stress and occupational diseases at your workplace?

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